Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Full Time Prisoner

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"
- Confucius

Every morning at 7:00am my alarm clock goes off, and the thought of quitting my job usually follows shortly after. The reason is simple, I hate working. Actually, let me rephrase that, I hate working this dead end job. For 40 hours a week (over 2200 hours a year) I take orders from someone else. This can be degrading, because I feel like I have more brain power than half the people that work at my place of employment. Unfortuneatly, I don't have the degrees or the paperwork to back me up, so my opinion means absolutely nothing.

Monday through Friday I live life like a robot. Eat, work, eat, gym, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. Is that real life? Cuz I refuse to do that shit for the rest of mine. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who would love my job. I sit at a desk, do minimal work, act busy, and spend most of my day reading blogs and tweeting, but that's just not for me. I have dreams, goals, and aspirations like everyone else, except mine don't involve time cards and sick days. My dreams are bigger. Maybe one of my ideas will blow up, maybe one of my friends brands will take off, or maybe I'll help out my friends life expectancy and find a cure for AIDS. One day I'll make the jump and try something crazy all off of an idea. I'll either end up being one of those success stories you read about, or you'll see me on the side of 290 panhandling with a beard, eating cat food.

How many times has a parent asked their child "What do you want to be when you grow up?" When's the last time the child answered "Insurance Sales" or "Customer Service"? Never. Because even a 6 year old with kool-aid stains all over his mouth can tell you that shit sucks. As children we have dreams of being great. As we mature, the reality of responsibilities, along with Sallie Mae's automatic withdrawals, quickly help those dreams fade.

I'm tired of dreading waking up in the morning to work, I feel like everyone should be able to wake up and be able to do something that they love. Life is way too short to spend countless hours doing a bunch of shit that you don't enjoy doing.

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