Everyone has had their share of times when it has been a pure struggle to unsnap a bra. Most of the time its all good, you just ask her to do it, or play with it until it comes undone. But then there's that time when you bring a new girl out for drinks. Everything seems to be going good, and you keep buying her drinks, gettting her as drunk as possible to give you the best chance of getting laid. You leave the bar, pull up to your house and pop the question "Do you want to come in?" If the answer is yes, you're hyped and quickly rush her into your bedroom before she changes her everchanging mind. If the answer is no, then you don't need to worry about the bra anyways..
So you make the first move, start kissing her, blah, blah, blah, the boring shit. Things start to heat up and you take off her shirt. You are doing everything you can to not fuck this one up, UNTIL you go to unsnap her bra. Son, this shit ain't easy when you're wasted and nervous around a new girl. Some bras only have one hook, some have two, then some just seem so hard to undo that its like the picture above. The key is you have to, I repeat HAVE TO get this done correctly on the first try or there will be no sex in your near future. If you are successful then most likely you're having intercouse in t-minus a few minutes. If not, then what happens? Usually the time spent failing to unsnap the bra has given shorty enough time to rethink having sex with you. She'll pull the "Not tonight" or the "I'm not like that" and this usually makes her stop kissing you, which turns into laying down to cuddle. But who the fuck wants to cuddle now a days, that shit ain't fun.
Unsnapping a bra is pure art. It takes practice, but once you master the science you will be on the right path to obtaining box in the future.
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